Friday 19 October 2012

Types Of Automated Forex Trading System

Types Of Automated Forex Trading System - An automated Forex trading system uses a software that would monitor and buy and sell trades for you, all of these while you are doing something else. Traders and investors, especially those who are newcomers in the trading market, find it quite useful and provide them opportunities to get the profit that they want and target.

Using an automated trading system is very efficient since Forex trade very fast, based on different political, economic and social factors.  Sine exchange is open 24 hours a day, monitoring is very important.  This makes automated Forex trading system valuable in the Forex trade.

An automated trading system can constantly monitor the Forex market.  It can also be programmed to set trades and buy or sell,  it can stop losses even if the trader is not present.

There are two types of the automated Forex trading system.  They are the desktop and web based systems.  What are they and how they operate?  Let’s find out.

• Desktop- based system

A desktop based system, of course, would require you to use your computer.  Internet connection is not necessarily needed to keep it working, though.  All Forex data and charts are saved in the hard drive of your computer.  It is necessary for traders using this kind of system to have back-up files.  This system is not that popular or preferred among traders.  Why?

This kind of system is constantly under security or virus threat.  Any kind of this occurrence could trigger your software to lose data, which is why having a back-up is a must. Data and charts could be ruined and cannot be recovered.  Other people can also have access to your personal and trading data.

To prevent things like these to happen in your desktop-based system, there are methods that can be done.  If you have spare budget, then you can have a computer exclusively just for Forex trading.  If you cannot afford it, then you can still do additional safety precautions to safeguard your computer and software.

You can regularly update you back-up file.  Make sure to have a password both for your personal and trading data.  Having your trading software password protected is also a good idea. Have you anti-virus and trading software updated regularly to make sure that they have the most recent virus and security protection.

• Web/ Internet based system

With the web-based system, there would no need to install additional software in your computer to take advantage of the automated Forex trading system. Your Forex account would be taken care of a web-based provider. The server also handles the storing of your data, the provider is also responsible in security and maintenance.  For maximum protection, your data is encrypted and at the same time the provider has a back-up copy in case your data is lost.

A good thing about this is that it allows the trader flexibility.  An internet-based system allows the trader to do trade anywhere.  Although, there are some who say that it is necessary to have a high-speed internet connection to maximize the gains and effectiveness of the system.

Just like anything else, both systems have its advantages and disadvantages.  You just have to make sure that the one that you would be using would be suitable for your needs. Aside from that your technical capability and Forex trading style would be factors on choosing the automated Forex trading system you would be using.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Tips On Making Profits With The Automated Forex Trading System

Tips On Making Profits With The Automated Forex Trading System - The automated Forex trading system or software could be your most valuable tool if you want to be a successful Forex trader.  It can help you get ahead of your competition and interpret the trading signals quickly and get profit by taking advantage of trading opportunities.

But having an automated Forex trading software is not the conclusive factor for you to succeed.  There are a lot of things that you would have to do consider to be able to get your goal.  Being a successful Forex trader involves a lot of things other than having the proper tools and equipments.

As a successful trader, you would need to be serious and focused.  Of course, for some traders relying on your instinct pays off.  But it is pretty scary and could be dangerous if you rely on it too much.  Trading is not solely based on intuition or instinct, it should be based on research and understanding trade signals and trends. Sometimes, traders tend to be fretful over missed opportunities.  Do not let emotions overrun your good judgement.

There are traders that say that automated Forex trading is a good thing since it removes emotional and psychological elements in the process of trading.  Do not easily get discouraged, especially if you have lost some trades.  If you noticed that you are on a losing streak for a couple of days already, then rest from trading for a while.  You would need a clear mind to get on with trading. Remember that even with using an automated Forex trading system and software, there is about 90 percent possibility of losing in a trade.

Every new Forex trader would hear the automated Forex trading system would make them successful.  But that is not the case, this does not guarantee success.  You would still need to get equipped with basic knowledge and some trading skills.  You would need at least know something about the market and how it works before you venture into it. Of course, there would be

Although, there are automated Forex trading software given away for free in some websites, it is safer to buy one.  There are a lot of Forex trading software available in the market.  Choose a software that has better customer service and offers different ways of airing your sentiments and problems about the program. Check also the customer feedback.  Do not look for the opinions, look for the facts that customers say about the products, like encountered problems and how they were able to resolve it.

You would also need a demo account. Before you start trading real time, you would have to make sure that your trading system works.  A demo account would help you test the trading software. Just be cautious of some trading software,  some would work on demo accounts but would not work in actual trading accounts.  Be sure of it customer service and technical support to help you address any issues regarding malfunction.  This is why it is important to get a software that has money-back guarantee.

When you are already starting to trade, start with small risk.  Never get too greedy.  Raising your risk above the recommended level is not a good idea even if you are in the winning streak.  Be rational.  You would need money management skill. An automated Forex system can help you get ahead of trading , but you would also need to have confidence and the correct trader mindset

Monday 15 October 2012

Tips For Choosing Automated Forex Trading Systems

Tips For Choosing Automated Forex Trading Systems - Automated Forex trading system software is on the rise.  Those who are interested in investing in the foreign currency exchange, but are relatively newcomers in the industry, are thinking of getting some help through the automated trading system.  This kind of technology would enable you to earn profits with more flexibility and diversified trading.

You just have to type in any search engine over the internet the word automated Forex trading and you would get a lot of results.  There are companies promoting their system software to get more profits than the others.  But, how sure are we of these claims?

There are several things that you could do to make sure that the automated Forex trading program that you have would be the one suitable for your needs.

• When choosing your trading system, make sure that you are software would cover your trading needs.  There are systems that could cover multiple currencies and other brokerage and trading activities.

• Make sure that the software has the capability of analyzing the market. You can check customer comments about the software.  When checking the software, look for the facts and not for the opinions.  You would need to know what you can and cannot do.  Remember that the a product which has not done any good in the past would take time to improve.

• Reliability is important.  When looking for an automated Forex trading system, make sure that they have backup systems.  Aside from that, Forex trade is a 24 hours a day and a 7 days a week job, so you would need a system that works throughout those hours.

• Your automated Forex trading system should also be safe.  Your trading and personal data should be guarded by Internet- based system that could encrypt your data for protection.  This would also make sure that your software and computer are free from any viruses that could attack the computer’s memory.

• You should be able to customize your automated Forex trading system.  You would like to have a software and system that would be able to fit your trading strategy.

• You can also check the other features offered with the automated Forex trading system.  Some would include multilingual support, integration with existing Web applications and sub-administration.  Sub-admiistration allows more than one brokers to be on one server.

• Choose a system that is easy for you to understand.  It should be user-friendly, easy-to-install and have tutorials that can assist you whenever you would encounter software difficulties.

• Avoid automated Forex trading system that have longer losing periods or bigger drawdowns.

• When picking out a Forex trading system, make sure that they have money-back guarantees.  There are some programs that are easy to operate and works with demo accounts but once used in an actual or real account , it experiences a lot of problems and issues.

• Do not overspend.  Do not buy an automated account that’s very expensive or something that you cannot afford.  If you use an expensive system but do not have enough money to pay for it, then your account may lose its future profit.

However, even if you are using an automated Forex trading system that fits or meets all the requirement this still does not assure you of your magical success.  Of course, it would still need money management skills and other trading skills as well.  But with a great deal of patience and learning from experiences, you would eventually be a successful Forex trader.

The Secrets Behind Automated Forex Trading Systems

The Secrets Behind Automated Forex Trading Systems - Automated Forex trading systems and software enable traders to do business without getting any emotion or psychologically involved with the trade.  It can help those who are beginning to learn and understand Forex trading and its perks.  By using the automated system, traders could save on money, time and effort.

Using this system would just require you to have a computer, internet connection and basic knowledge about what you are getting into.  There are many automated Forex trading software you could choose from. This system would monitor the Forex market for you and at the same could do the trade for you.  It could stop losses or continue your winning streaks.

Using this kind of automated Forex trading system would be ideal for traders who are really interested in trading but could not face it due to tome constraints and other restrictions.  As automated trading progresses, it is obvious that manual and hands-on trading is being gradually removed in the process.

How does this system work?

Automated Forex trading systems is also called an algorithmic trading.  It uses computer programs and computer algorithms to make and enter orders based on different aspects like time and price.  Algorithmic trading can also be called black-box trading or robo trading.  Automated trading is now becoming popular not only in Forex trade.  During 2006, one –third of the United States and European Union stock market were already using automated trading programs.

In automated trading, everything happens very fast.  Changes in the Forex market could happen in just a matter of milliseconds.  So it is important to get and understand the trading signals quickly so that a trading opportunity will not be missed.

For example, there could be 2 traders selling and 3 traders buying.  If the traders who are buying meet the price the traders are selling, then there is a deal.  It is a first come and first served basis.  So, the two selling traders have to discretion to choose the buying traders.  This process of clinching the deal, happens very quick in automated trading.  That would be an approximate of a couple of seconds to do this.

Although, automated trading has increased the possibility of more people getting into trade, it still has its downside though.  Jobs that were once done by people are being tuned over to computers.  Everything seems to be measured by how fast a deal can be completed.  For example, in the London  Stock Exchange in June 2007, a trade can be sealed in an average of 10 deals per millisecond.  That would be about 3,000 orders or deals closed every second.

Achieving this far in Forex trading is not a sign that it is slowing down.  Automated Forex trading is still finding means to improve its system and software. Continuous computer and technological development enables automated Forex trading system to have a wide array of features.

Traders were able to trade with different currencies and different markets, regardless of time and location.  For example, you can do some business with someone half-way across the globe even if it is 2 o’clock in the morning in their location.  Another thing that is still undergoing some development to have suave operation, would be the settlement or the payment process.
As long as computer and technology develops, automated Forex trading  or any algorithmic trading system would continue to evolve and beat itself.

The Automated Forex Trading Technology

The Automated Forex Trading Technology - Forex market is a continuous and simultaneous trading that occurs in the globally.  It does not only happen in the United States and Europe, different country’s currency and money worldwide is being brought and sold.  In Forex trading, the investor profits from the movements of foreign currency.  Now, if it is done in real time, it is said that the profits could increase.  This is the intention of having an automated Forex trading technology.

Forex can change immediately based on the certain and real-time conditions.  It could increase in value, or decrease based on conditions.  If the currency that have been bought increased in value, you can also sell it to increase or lock in a profit.  The Forex market is said to be speculative.  It means that the person or the company/ institution who have bought the currency may not have a definite plan with the currency.  They are just speculating on the movement of that currency.

A lot of people are taking interest with Forex trading because of its profitable aspects.  It has long trading hours, that is 24 hours a day and 5 days a week.  Aside from that,  according to the Triennil Central Bank Survey of the Bank of International Settlements done in April 2004, traditional foreign exchange market turnover is around $1.88 trillion everyday.  It is estimated to increase for another $2 to $3 trillion within the next 8 to 10 years.

These reasons made a lot of people to interested in investing in the Forex trading wealth.  Having Forex trading automated, actually, opened a lot opportunities to those who would like to invest. If you are interested in investing in the foreign exchange, you would have to create a trading system and learn it to be successful.  You would have to learn about the Forex market and it’s rules.  This would take time and patience.

But with the automated Forex trading, those who are interested in investing do not have to undergo the lengthy process of learning the trading system.  You have a system that can be programmed and monitor the progress of Forex trade real-time.  You can check the monthly profits and losses.  This would help you analyze the previous trading results.  But this does not dictate or predict future results. This automated system is capable of managing the automated trade within 24 hours.

Major turning points in trades happen within milliseconds.  This is why it is important for some to quickly monitor the changes in the Forex trade.  For example, if a person would suffer continuous losses during the Forex trade, the automated system would show it and would help the investor to make guided decisions.

Of course, it is important that you would also be familiar and content with the trading platform your automated Forex trading program uses.  This would help you deal with the automated actions your program is doing.

Success on the trading field does not depend on whether you are using a manual or an automated system.  Aside from this, you would also need to have adequate money management skills.   Applying rational financial management skills, would help the investor reduce losses and increase profits.  Aside from this, it is also important that the investor is familiar and satisfied with the trading platform.

The big amount of money that you can get from successful Forex trading can be a big attraction for you to invest your money.  So if you are interested in entering Forex trading or improving your profits, then you can look at the automated Forex trading as an option.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Automated Forex Trading System Risks

Automated Forex Trading System Risks - We’ve been hearing how great automated Forex Trading system is.  There are numerous benefits using it.  But is it all about the good things?  There are two sides in a coin, so what is the other side of an automated Forex trading system?

Some traders and investors would say that intuition means a lot when trading.  Some would say that it played a major role when they are clinching a deal or when winning in a trade.  But some traders would say that intuition does not play a role.  Some would say that it works for them, while others would contest that. But given the fact that some people rely on intuition to get good trades, an automated system would not be able to help them.  Since programs and computers do not rely on intuition at all.

Another common thing that traders who use an automated Forex trading system is make their computers and programs take their place in trading.  Actually, this is a great idea.  Having a machine to do your trade for you making you deal with other matters.  But this turns into a disadvantage especially when you let the program and computer do ALL the work.

It is very easy to be comfortable with this setup, relying with your software too much.  Actually, systems could make mistakes too.  You would also need to recognize opportunities and at the same time do on-hand trading.

Another downside of an automated Forex trading system is making sure that your computer is running all the time and you have a dedicated server to run your automated trading. This is to make sure that your expert advisors or EA would work with your home and work computer.

There would be times when you would encounter a chart pattern or wave analysis which is very hard to accomplish.  So you would have to get some professional people to interpret your charts for you and decode some extremely hard patterns.

Another truth that you would have to face is that not all expert advisors handle errors and other unexpected things easily.  So you would need to brace yourself against anything that could disappoint you.  Not everything is perfect.  So, you would to be prepared to face disappointments and handle them.  This is why you would still need knowledge in manual Forex trading.

Nothing is perfect, even computers and programs still make mistakes and can find it difficult to deal with unexpected and crucial points in trading.  Traders and investors prefer to use both automated and manual trading.  They would use automated trading system if they find manual trading difficult.  While, simple systems like simple chart patterns are left to be done manually.

Aside from all of these, another downside is that automated Forex trading is too popular over the internet.  This can either be good or bad.  The good thing is that getting an automated system is easy and at the tips of your fingers.  While the bad thing is that too much popularity can cause numerous websites to come up with scams and cheating over the internee.

There are a lot of automated Forex trading systems for sale in the internet.  They claim that their products are the best among the systems, but they fail to meet the standards.  That it why, people are advised to check on the comments of customers and have a money-back guarantee for the purchase.

Automated Forex Trading System Benefits

Automated Forex Trading System Benefits - Forex trading has one of largest market share in the world.  It earns about $3 trillion every year worldwide.  But Forex trading is mainly speculative, the profits and losses are based on the currency movement.  The big turn-out in profits attracts a lot of investors.  Even those who are still beginning in this field are interested in joining, to make it easier, there is an automated Forex trading system that could help them make the transition easier.

With an automated Forex trading system you would have a programmed system that could monitor the progress of the Forex trading real time.  It utilizes an expert advisor and a set of indicators that interprets the Forex trade and can even show you an opportunity to trade.

What is good about utilizing an automated Forex trading system is the quick way of picking things up.  If you are a newcomer in trading, this would minimize the lengthy process of learning the market and its rules.  You do not have to stay glued with the Forex market 24 hours to understand the Forex trading market.  The software would keep tabs on the trade 24 hours a day.

This would keep you abreast with what is happening real time.  This would enable you to make changes to your account real time based on changes happening in the market.  Major trading changes could happen in a matter of just a few seconds.

Aside from that, the automated Forex trading system gets rid of the emotional and psychological aspect of trading.  There would be times when series of losses can affect your way of thinking and analyzing the market. This could result to bad and rash decisions in the market.  But the automated Forex trading system and software would help you deal with it.

The software is also easy to use and simple to install.  It can be allowed to run into autopilot.  Configuring the software would only last for a few minutes and then it can be allowed to do its work and its magic.   You can be successful in automated Forex trading especially, if you are using a system that is suitable for you and at the same time, you are familiar with.

This would also enable you to be flexible and have diverse Forex trade.  The automated Forex trading system can work with different types of brokers and different types of currencies.  You would be able to trade with different markets and currencies.  You can trade while on travel.

But the automated Forex trading system is not perfect.  If it is, then a lot of people would be winning the trade.  Money management is still important. You have to know how much you are willing to risk.  To be successful, most traders would always have a fixed percentage of their equity at risk.  They could increase the size of their trade in winning or decrease if losing.    

If you already have an automated Forex trading system, then it would be better not to make any changes on the settings or the configurations.  Having an automated  Forex trading system does not guarantee success.  Nor, is it the only thing that you should rely on to be successful in trading.

There are some factors that could influence trade.  Forex market changes very fast depending on different factors and situations.  Aside from having an automated Forex trading system, the investor or trader also needs to have knowledge of  the trading system.